Surgical Enucleation of the Right Eye Following Traumatic Injury in an Eastern Screech–owl (Megascops asio)


  • Bethany DeVilbiss, DVM Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine



Avian, Eastern screech–owl (Megascops asio), enucleation, eye, ocular, raptor, trauma, vision


Surgical enucleation using a transaural approach was successfully performed following traumatic globe injury in an Eastern screech–owl (Megascops asio). Initial stabilization of this patient consisted of intraosseous administration of crystalloids and hypertonic saline, anti–inflammatory drugs, and broad–spectrum antibiotics. At surgery, general anesthesia was achieved using butorphanol as a premedicant and isofluorane in oxygen as an induction and maintenance anesthetic agent. Postoperative care included meloxicam for 7 days, trimethoprim/sulfadiazine for 14 days, and topical wound management. The surgical site healed in an uncomplicated manner. The bird was successfully flight tested and eventually released back into its natural habitat. Considerations for release and permanent captive placement in raptors with unilateral vision impediments are discussed.


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Author Biography

Bethany DeVilbiss, DVM, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine

Bethany DeVilbiss is a recent DVM graduate of Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine in Ithaca, NY. Currently, she is completing an agricultural animal internship at Washington State University after which she hopes to pursue a residency in zoological medicine.


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How to Cite

DeVilbiss, B. (2010). Surgical Enucleation of the Right Eye Following Traumatic Injury in an Eastern Screech–owl (Megascops asio). Wildlife Rehabilitation Bulletin, 28(2), 25–28.